Ugears Wolf-01 Mechanical Handgun
Number of parts: 63
Assembly time: 1-3 hour
Level: Easy
Model size: 23*13*2.5 cm
UGEARS presents a new unique item for your collection of wooden models – loaded with fun, aimed at positive emotions, the Wolf-01 mechanical handgun. This new arrival to UGEARS latest range is not a plain wooden toy where functionality is limited to imaginary shooting by means of yelling “Bang-bang!” The Wolf-01 is a proper mechanical handgun that can make up to 5 shots per round. It has outstanding performance and technical specifications, including the most important – a huge load of safe and peaceful fun! The Wolf-01 shoots rubber bands of 60 Х 1.5 mm calibre and has an effective firing range up to 10 meters. Smart and elegant design ensures that your gun fits your hand perfectly and is very convenient to hold and aim. The Wolf-01 has some great features: it’s simple to put together, has a secret compartment in the handle that will conceal a microfilm or extra rubber-band-bullets. For night-time missions the gun is equipped with a special quick-release fixture for a light-torch. The gun has a safety lock that will prevent unwanted release and misfires.
Eco-friendly and safe, the Wolf-01 will add positive emotions to your home and office! Assemble it and learn to use the gun differently and peacefully. Technical specifications: Caliber: 1.5*60 mm Barrel length: 230 mm Total height: 130 mm Weight: 390 gram Capacity: 5 rubber bands Firing range: 10 m
Not intended as a toy. Not for children under the age of 14
Ugears has created this 3D puzzle with great care and perfection. It is made of attractive, high quality wooden material. All parts are pre-cut into plywood boards and are easily removed for assembly.